As an instructor, you have the responsibility to comply with FERPA, the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
Under FERPA, students (current and former) have the right to inspect and review their education records, the right to seek to have those records amended, and the right to control disclosure of certain portions of those records.
Instructors and all UW-Madison employees have the obligation to protect student academic work, student information, grades, and class rosters. That includes keeping papers in a secure location, not sharing lists of names and email addresses or student IDs, and not posting grades in a public location or where students can see each other’s grades.
If a recording includes students who can be identified, you may only use the recording within the course; do not make it public without the students’ written consent or anonymizing the students’ identities. See the University instructional continuity page for policy specifics.
For more details, refer to the links at right.