We love questions! Please Contact Us or call (608) 265-1178. Or drop in at our offices on the 4th floor of Wendt, Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Getting Started in Canvas
We offer one-on-one consultations to assist COE instructors with getting started in Canvas. Contact us today!
Designing with Canvas Modules
Why use modules?
Fostering Discussion
Why use online discussion? It adds a personal element to an online course. It creates space for students to ask questions, compare experiences, and share resources and opinions. Students who may not speak up in class may participate more online. Students can answer each other’s questions, enhancing their learning while saving you time. How do…
Successful Group Work
Create Canvas groups to connect students and speed up grading.
Assessment in Canvas
Create Quizzes and Surveys in Canvas. Use Speedgrader, Rubrics, Peer Review, and more to provide effective and timely feedback.
Canvas on the Cutting Edge
Find out what’s new or coming next in Canvas.