Non-scoring rubrics
There are a variety of ways to use rubrics to give feedback to students. If you use rubrics for grading, you’re likely familiar with the steps to add a rubric to an assignment and to edit the rubric settings so that the rubric grades push to the gradebook. New this fall is that you have the option to remove points from a rubric entirely to create non-scoring rubrics.
Under the same edit rubric menu, the choices now look like this:
Selecting “remove points from rubric” will do just that. This can be a good choice for early drafts of assignments, if your goal is to provide formative feedback that’s not directly tied to a grade.
When using a non-scoring rubric you still have the option to grade the assignment with points. For example, you could use the rubric to provide feedback but also assign points for completion.
Rubric tips
- Help students find their feedback by sharing this KB document.
- Make rubrics the easy way in Canvas by using the rubric importer (enabled for UW-Madison). For a non-scoring rubric, add some arbitrary points when importing it, and then use the edit settings to remove the points when adding the rubric to a specific assignment.
- Learn more about rubrics from TeachOnline@UW’s Pressbook Rubrics: Advantages and Best Practices by Karen Skibba.
File usage rights
You now have the option to set usage rights (copyright) for all of your files in a course. This is a feature you can choose to turn on for any given course. Before turning it on, here are a few things to consider.
- If you will be sharing your course materials with colleagues (a better way to do this is coming soon!), it can be helpful for them and for you to be clear about copyright and use restrictions. Usage rights display for students on the Files page (if available to them) and in the info section when files are displayed.
- It’s all or nothing for new files. If you are using this feature, you must set usage rights for every file in the course. You may set rights for individual files or for folders. (You may select multiple files at a time to make this process faster.) Existing files in the course will retain their publish/unpublish/restricted state. Any new files uploaded to the course will begin as unpublished, and you must set their usage rights before publishing.
- The choices for Usage Rights are as follows:
- I hold the copyright (original content created by you)
- I have obtained permission to use the file (authorized permission by the author)
- The material is in the public domain (explicitly assigned to public domain, cannot be copyrighted, or is no longer protected by copyright)
- The material is subject to fair use exception (excerpt or summary used for commentary, news reporting, research, or analysis in education)
- The material is licensed under Creative Commons; this option also requires setting a specific Creative Commons license
There’s also an optional field to enter the copyright holder’s name.
Questions of copyright and intellectual property can be complex in our institutional setting. For more information about these topics, please refer to the UW-Madison library website or ask your department chair.
To turn this feature on for your course, under Settings – Feature Options, select “Require Usage Rights for Uploaded Files.”