Extended Testing Time in Canvas: Using the Moderate Quiz tool

Extended Testing Time in Canvas

Instructors have a responsibility to provide accommodations for students who work with the McBurney center and notify their instructors of their needs. A common accommodation for testing is extra time. Keep reading to find out . . .

  • how to adjust the time allowed for any student to take an assessment
  • how to give any student an extra attempt
  • how to see how long a student spent taking a quiz
  • how to add time to a student’s quiz attempt during the quiz

A note for previous Moodle users: You may have used hidden groups in Moodle to accomplish this task. It’s important to know that group names in Canvas are visible to students and that students can see groups if they have access to the People tab of the course. To avoid possible FERPA violations, do not create a group of students needing accommodations.

Quizzes are a type of assignment in Canvas. They can be graded or ungraded, timed or untimed. When creating a quiz, under options, you can enter a time limit and set the number of allowed attempts.

quiz options settings

Under the Assign settings, you can assign a quiz to individuals or groups, setting different due dates and periods of availability. Set your available dates so that you can publish the quiz and move on to the next step of making extended time accommodations.

assign box

Only after creating and publishing the quiz, you’ll be able to adjust the time limits for individual students using the Moderate This Quiz feature. It’s hiding in plain sight, but only after you publish and on a different page. In Quizzes, click on the name of the quiz, and then look for this menu on the top right:

moderate this quiz link

Note that the Moderate Quiz section lists the number of attempts, time spent taking the quiz, number of attempts left, and the score (if completed). Click the pencil icon to the right of each student’s line to give extra attempts or time.

moderate quiz page

box to give extensions

To make accommodations for multiple students, click the check box in front of each name, and then click the blue link that appears when multiple boxes are checked. Note also that you can use the search box at the top of the Moderate Quiz screen to find students quickly.

To add extra time during a quiz, click the clock icon next to the student’s time in the Moderate Quiz screen:

clocks showing quiz in progress

For more screenshots:

Instructure help documentation for adding extra time.

Instructure help documentation for adding extra attempts.

 Learn more about testing accommodations at UW-Madison.