Erica J Hagen

Credentials: MS - Geological Engineering

Position title: Director of CEETE, Associate Director for Center for Innovation in Engineering Education

Erica Hagen

Erica J. Hagen is passionate advocate for active learning in her role as an Instructional Technology Consultant in the College of Engineering. She nurtured twin loves in Engineering Education and Geological Engineering as a student at UW Madison (BS ‘09, MS ‘11) and cut her teeth on blended education while designing and implementing Soil Mechanics in 2011-2013. When she is not helping faculty and staff improve courses through pedagogically sound technology, she makes art, plays games, and enjoys all things speculative fiction and manages to fit in long sessions of playing ball with her two German Shepherds.

She is an active member of the campus Instructional Technologist Group and is currently serving as Chair. She participates in the Faculty Development Division at ASEE and BIG10 Engineering IT Conferences.